
Why Glass Is A Key Element Of Green Architecture

May 7, 2022

Why Glass Is A Key Element Of Green Architecture

The presence of global warming and ecological problems has become a huge topic of discussion over the past few decades, with many industries trying to go green hoping to lessen their effects on the environment. This is also a reason why the concept of green architecture is booming.

For those unaware, green architecture is simply the process of constructing buildings that use less water, optimise energy efficiency, conserve natural resources, generate less waste and most importantly provide a healthy space for occupants when compared to traditional buildings. Here are some reasons why glass is a key element in green architecture.


Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without loss in quality or purity. This is one of the main reasons why glass promotes green architecture without compromising any aesthetic characteristics. With correct recycling procedures, building glass waste can be effectively reused by glass companies to produce other glass products.

By adopting a closed-loop system, glass can also be indefinitely used within architecture and construction creating a steady sustainable stream of materials. This practice can significantly reduce the primary production of glass, thereby reducing industrial impact on the environment. On average for every tonne of recycled glass used in architecture and construction, it saves 1.2 tonnes of raw materials.

Besides reducing the use of raw materials, recycling glass for architecture reduces the carbon intensity of flat glass manufacturing. Like so, recycling glass extends the lifecycle of this versatile material in a way that benefits the future of construction and limits any environmental impacts in the process.

Energy Efficiency

Glass is considered an excellent UV material and insulator. This property allows the glass to support energy efficiency when constructing buildings. There are many types of custom made glass that are inbuilt with a formulated composition allowing indoor spaces to reflect heat and UV rays. This helps buildings maintain an optimal temperature inside them, especially in Asian and middle-eastern countries that have harsh temperate climates.

Solar control, eco sense, and other forms of Low-E glasses are all specially designed to balance all architectural parameters on aesthetic requirements while having the capacity to block a high amount of solar radiation by reflecting the infrared part of the sunlight. All of these conveniently keep buildings cool in summer and cut down on energy bills and air conditioning usage, making them extremely eco-friendly.


The ultra transparency feature inbuilt in glass substantially reduces the need for artificial lighting in architecture and more importantly allows occupants to make maximum use of daylight.

It makes interiors look lighter with good views and air quality, while strategically connecting houses to the outdoor and greenery. This transparent nature of glass in house architecture is also believed to have a positive health impact on occupants.

Weather and Rust Resistant

A key feature of green or sustainable architecture is durability. Unlike most building materials, glass is corrosion and weather-resistant and is only chemically attacked under certain rare circumstances. This allows the glass to withstand the effects of wind, rain, and the sun while retaining its appearance and integrity for a long time, promoting high durability.

This also means that any space built or designed with interior design glass concepts rarely needs replacements, renovation, or alterations, which contributes significantly to energy, resource, and cost savings in the long run of house or property maintenance.