
Laminated Glass vs. Tempered Glass: Everything You Need To Know

Apr 16, 2020

Laminated Glass vs. Tempered Glass: Everything You Need To Know

The one common factor between the laminated and tempered glass is that they both are safety glass.

Safety glass is essential, because it provides your glass with the required protection. They are mostly used in glass windows and doors; they are also used in glass furniture, shower doors and business storefronts.

Safety glass like laminated and tempered glass is a good option if you are looking for a break-resistant solution that can increase the safety and security of your glass. Glass companies like Mirodec, offer both tempered and laminated solutions, and can manufacture glass pieces according to your needs.

Safety Glass

As the name suggests, the top priority of safety glass is to provide safe use. Therefore, the glass items are manufactured through different processes to make them break-resistant. Even if safety glass was to break, it is designed to be less likely to cause harm.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glass is a type of safety glass that is manufactured by conjoining two or more panes of annealed glass together with an interlayer of your choice. This joining process is somewhat like a glass sandwich (glass, interlayer, glass). There are other types of laminated glass, which are made with multiple layers.

Some features of laminated glass are:

  •   Laminated glass could be clear, tinted, or decorative.
  •   Laminated glass helps in blocking UV radiation.
  •   Laminated glass is soundproof.

If laminated glass is to break, the broken glass pieces will adhere to each other rather than falling to the floor and causing harm. This feature of laminated glass is beneficial, as it prevents the possibility of accidents and injuries.

Laminated glass is mostly used in the manufacture of skylights, automobile windshields, glass floors and glass railings.

Tempered Glass

Tempered glass is manufactured with heat or chemicals and this process is used to strengthen the glass. This method is referred to as “tempering.” The benefit of tempered glass is that it can be up to four times stronger than annealed glass of the same size and thickness.

Some features of tempered glass are:

  •   High tensile strength (it can bend easier without breaking)
  •   Tempered glass is wind resistant
  •   Tempered glass shatters into rounded cubes rather than pointy shards.

Tempered glass is usually used in the construction of windows, skyscrapers, facades, automotive glass and in-home appliances.

Laminated vs. Tempered Glass 

Both laminated and tempered glass have their distinctive features, which make them the ideal choice. If you are stuck between the two, your decision should be based on the application and purpose of your glass piece.

  • If your top priority is security, it is better to go with laminated glass. It is especially useful for commercial spaces as the extra layers between the panes create a barrier that is difficult to break.
  • Tempered glass is the glass of choice for interior glass applications. They provide the required strength and are also easy to clean.
  • Both tempered and laminated glass can be used for automobile applications.

Tempered and laminated glass are used for manufacturing glass pieces that are resistant to harsh conditions. However, the two have their unique applications. Discuss your needs with Mirodec, the number one glass manufacturer, to determine which of the two will best suit your requirements.